Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wow, where to begin! This week has been absolutely crazy and incredible. I am seeing miracles everyday and cannot express how amazing it is to finally be in the field as a missionary. There are so many amazing people here, and so many incredible things going on in missionary work- it just makes me so grateful to be here at this time in this place.

I don't even know where to begin with things to talk about! I guess I will start with my amazing companions! So I think I mentioned in the last post that my companions are Hermana Hales and Hermana Norton. Let me just tell you, they are incredible! I have never met two missionaries who strive to be more Christ-like in all they do and say. They are so incredibly dedicated to the work, and in helping me learn and grow and become the best missionary that I can be. Companionship study with these two is one of my favorite parts of the morning, by far because of the amazing things they teach me.

One thing that I have learned from them is how to increase my high expectations. It is something that our mission president, President Choi, has urged us to do, and something that my companions teach me how to do. Really, its a lesson of faith. If you always put your faith in the Lord, and actively try to do better and more than you have previously done, then He will bless you with the capacity to do it. The trick is that you have to believe and plan and work in such a way that shows that you believe it is possible, specifically for you, as well. Anyways, I hope that that makes sense and that you will be able to personally consider how to increase your own expectations and faith in reaching those expectations. We all have the ability to learn and grow, so don't be afraid of it :) 

Investigators!! Oh man, we have some amazing investigators here in Bellevue. We have two working right now towards baptism dates, and the faith of these two men astound me every time we talk to them. One of them is named Luis, and he has such a desire to follow Christ and gain a testimony for himself. When he talks with us, we can just see the light of Christ in his eyes, especially when he talks about the Book of Mormon. He even came to two church activities as well as church on Sunday with the Spanish branch here and it was just so incredible to see him acting his faith. It is so amazing to see how the Gospel blesses lives!!

And our branch here is incredible!! It is truly led by Spiritual giants! Our branch president and branch mission leader are just the most amazing examples to me. The Lord really is  hastening His work, and it has been the biggest blessing to me to see that first hand up here in the North West. From playing volleyball with the branch, or soccer, the Spirit is there and missionary work grows in all of them. Ahhh I am just so blessed to be here surrounded by these amazing people, I cant even express to you how wonderful I feel. 

Wow, I really don't have a lot of time left, but I just want to say how much I love all of you and how grateful I am for the support that I have received. I am so incredibly blessed to be a missionary and to talk to and serve the people here. I hope this email makes sense, but if not, forgive me and hope that next week I have a little more time to organize my thoughts and get some cool stories out there :) 

And a quick shout out to my dad for having his birthday yesterday!! Love you and I hope you had an amazing day!! 
OH!! and I hope everyone was able to see the General Women's Conference on Saturday. If not, GO AND WATCH IT. It was absolutely amazing, and I know you can learn something that will help you in whatever you are going through. And don't forget about General Conference this weekend!! I just know that it is going to be amazing. How blessed are we that we can listen to a prophets voice! 

Alright, I really must be going, but I send all of my love! Increase your High Expectations!! 

con amor, 
Hermana Brooks

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