Tuesday, October 21, 2014

kay, so I am not actually counting down the months, but today does mark my 2 month mark exactly since i started my mission. Pretty neat, huh??
Well, this week we had a lot of amazing experiences that really strengthened my testimony of God's love for us. The Lord is seriously blessing us so much, it is incredible! Everyday we are literally running from place to place just to fit in all of the people that we need to see. And we are meeting some amazing people on the streets as well! Even when people don't want to accept our message, they share their beliefs with us and it is incredible the faith that people have. Yes, its true that people are choosing to believe in God less and less, but there are still so many people out there who do believe and live their lives in such a way as to help other believe as well. And there are a lot of people who do accept our message as well, and allow us to teach them and help them grow in their faith. My favorite part about the gospel is that it doesn't take away from anyone's beliefs, it only adds to them and helps them be even happier than they already are. 
Also, I learned how to crochet this week!! We have an investigator right now who makes the cutest barbie clothes for her sweet daughters, and so we thought it would be awesome to get some women from the ward over to learn from her! It was awesome, and we all learned a little bit about crocheting and also what a blessing our talents are. That is something that we have really been trying to work on lately, is using our own talents as well as the talents of members and investigators. They really are such a blessing, and can be used to bless the lives of countless others if we only do something with them! 
Speaking of talents, I had the amazing opportunity of playing the violin with another sister during our mission's zone conference! Some members here have let us borrow their violins and it is such a blessing! We did a beautiful duet of "Joseph's First Prayer," and it was so great! Our mission president invited us to play it again for the multi-stake member-missionary fireside that is this weekend! I am freaking out a little bit, but I am also so excited! Please send all good vibes this way, I am going to need them :) 
We also had our first real exchanges this week, which was super fun. So for exchanges, one member of our companionship switches with someone in a different companionship for 24 hours. It is a great learning opportunity and helps us get to know the other awesome missionaries in the area! It was so fun to see how other styles of teaching and contacting on the street. We had one Sister who is incredibly bold (she goes home this transfer) and we practically chasing people on the street to be able to talk to them. It was awesome and really taught me a lesson of being bold and not afraid to talk to EVERYONE, something I definitely have to work on. 
Every Friday, we also do a fun volleyball night with the branch here as well as soccer every Saturday morning. It is such a fun opportunity to get to know the members and our investigators LOVE to come. This week was exceptionally special, because one of our investigators who has been struggling lately and not wanting to meet with us showed up!!! It was the neatest thing to see how God was helping us out, by helping this young man come to volleyball. It was such a miracle, and really showed me how God answers all of our prayers. And it was awesome that we all got to have a lot of fun together as well :) 
This week has just been really great in opening my eyes to the will and love of my Heavenly Father. He loves us --He loves ME and YOU-- so much. And He puts different things in my path everyday to remind me of that, whether is a member bearing powerful testimony to an investigator, or having someone come to church, or just seeing how beautiful the trees and stars are every day. Sometimes I wish that He didn't have to remind me so much, that I would just always know and remember. But I am so grateful that He does, because I do need it. Missionary work wouldn't be possible without it, nor do I think would every day life. And seeing His love everyday strengthens my ability to love others and serve them the way Christ would. I am just so grateful for all of the amazing blessings and miracles that I have seen lately and continue to see everyday. I am so grateful for all of you, my friends and family, and pray for you always. Remember to look up: God is there and loves you. 
Con amor,
Hermana Brooks
P.S. go listen to "through heaven's eyes", I don't remember the name of the guy who sings it, but its from Prince of Egypt and its amazing. It might just make your day :)

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