Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hello family and friends!!

This week in the Washington Seattle Mission we saw so many miracles and had so much fun!! We went on a lot of exchanges with other sisters and it was so much fun! I love being with other missionaries :) Our first big miracle from this past week is that our investigator Luis is getting baptized TOMORROW!!!! Oh my goodness, I am sooo excited for him!! He met missionaries the week before I got here, and we have been teaching him ever since, and he is so amazing!! He has such a desire to do what is right. And he is so ready to continue to do so by following the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized. I am just so so so excited!! We also have another investigator right now named Daniel who has been taught by missionaries for a really long time. His mom is also a member of the church, and has been trying to get him to join for a long time. And finally, last Wednesday he committed to being baptized on November first!! AHH just so many miracles!! I just know that this church is true and I have my testimony confirmed every time I teach a lesson and see the Spirit touch their hearts to motivate them to learn more. IT IS JUST SO INCREDIBLE!
We also had a really cool experience during finding time this week (where we go and knock doors-- everyone's favorite part :) ) We found a woman named Sonia who is super religion. She just loves going to different churches and learning more about God and Jesus Christ. Just a super amazing woman. Well, we taught her about the Book of Mormon, and how it is another testament, another source, that adds to our knowledge of Jesus Christ. She was super excited to read it and learn more which is awesome and what every missionary dreams of! Then we shared a prayer with her before we left, and when we were done with the prayer she was crying! It just touched my heart so much to see how the Spirit and our message affected her. It is moments like those that I know without a doubt that God is real, and that He loves us. I am so grateful for my knowledge of that and how much I have the opportunity to see the different ways that God blesses us to show His love for us. 
Also, shout out to my amazing best friend Darby Phee for sending me the most amazing package this week filled with delicious and fun things :) It was receiving that package that launched us into an incredible weekend filled with love and miracles of happiness. We had an amazing pancake party with some of the young women of our branch which was so much fun!! I love working with the youth so much :) and who doesn't love pancakes?? That's right, no one doesn't like pancakes. So it was a smashing success! Youth have so much power to do good, and I just love the opportunity I have to try and remind them of that as much as possible. 
We also had our member missionary fireside last night!! I got to play the violin with Hermana Pingree, another sister in the mission who is actually going home in 2 weeks! :( But it was amazing, and it was such a cool experience to meet and see so many new converts to the church and also see my other missionary friends. As you can see, just so much fun :) 
But really, this week just taught me the power of gratitude so much. There will always been good and bad all around us, and everyone has hard things happen to them. Just remember that you can either take those bad experiences and become BITTER or BETTER. The choice is yours and mine to make. I know that I have to make that decision every single day as a missionary, and the more you choose to look at the good and be happy no matter your circumstances, the more blessings and miracles you will be able to see in your own life. As the scriptures say, "Men are that they might have joy" (2 Ne 2:25). 
I love you all and pray for you! May you be able to look up and drink in the blessings that are constantly being poured down from Heaven! 
Con amor, 
Hermana Brooks

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