Thursday, October 9, 2014

It's OCTOBER!!!!! Oh my goodness, how fast time flies!! But this month is already a month of blessings and miracles, and I know that it will only get better from here!
The week started off with an orientation/training for new missionaries (me) that was given by our wonderful mission president! President Choi is such an inspired man, and I am so honored to learn from him and learn from his example. He talked a lot about "Looking up," or looking to God for answers and help in this life. It really is so important to keep our priorities straight and to know in who we trust. Probably one of my favorite examples of Looking Up is in the Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi chapter 4. You should all go and read it :) its actually one of my favorite chapters in the whole book and it really has taught me that we are never alone, and with God everything is possible. So I highly recommend it :) 
This week, I have also had some amazing experiences with knocking on doors!! This is the one thing that I have always dreaded about missionary work, but this week I was blessed with so many miracles that came from it! We met so many amazing people, with such great faith and desires to do good. We also met a lot of people with great struggles and difficulties. But no matter what their circumstances were, they were striving to do what was right and be happy. It was such a neat thing for me to see, and it really helped me come to love the people here. It was Gods way of showing me that no matter how bad things get, people are still good and are trying their best. It was also amazing to be able to knock on doors and initially have them not want anything to do with us, but after talking a little bit and feeling the genuine love we had for them and for our message, they opened up and came to have great desires to learn more. It was just really cool for me to see :) 
annnnndd there was was GENERAL CONFERENCE!! I sincerely hope that everyone was able to watch it, because is was amazing. The messages that the Prophet and Apostles shared were so inspired, and also bold (so be prepared to learn something great) and it really opened my eyes to how much God really does love us. I loved them all so much that I cant even pick a favorite to talk about right now! But I do know that God really does talk through his prophets, and that He really did speak to us this past weekend. If you didn't feel that, I would pray that you would go back again and take notes. Often the things God wants you to know are not in the exact words that someone said, but in the feelings and thoughts that come to your mind as you are listening. 
This week was just incredible, and I am so grateful to be a missionary at this time, in this place. Right now we have 2 investigators who are working toward baptism in the next couple of weeks, and I am just so blessed to know them and be able to teach them. They are so prepared and really teach me so much about faith every day. Becoming converted to anything requires change, and the people that I have the privilege of teaching show such great strength and faith in their desires to change and be better that it amazes me.  Yesterday we had the amazing opportunity to teach a young woman about the blessings that come from baptism and the Atonement, and when her eyes lit up with a desire to do what she needed to be able to receive those blessings it made me want to cry tears of joy. Change really is possible, and when we have faith in Christ we can do all things. 
I love you all so much, and pray that all is well. I know that these things, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. I know that God talks through His prophets and that with His Son Jesus Christ, anything is possible. And I pray that all of you can know that for yourselves as well. Look up and know that I love you, and that your Heavenly Father loves you.
Con amor, 
Hermana Brooks

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